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Revision as of 22:25, 1 October 2022 by alpha>Ramamurthy S


Motion can be defined as the change of position of an object with respect to time. Moving vehicle, Walking person depicts motion. Motion described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration.

Types of Motion

  • Linear Motion - Motion is linear when all the parts of an object move from one place to another at a particular time.Ex: Train moving on a track. Linear Motion is further classified as
    1. Rectilinear Motion - When an object in linear motion moves in a straight linear path. Ex: Vehicle moving on a straight road
    2. Curvilinear Motion - When an object in linear motion moves along a curved path. Ex: Vehicle taking a turn
  • Rotary Motion - Motion is rotary when different particles of an object move in a circular path and travel different distances at any specific time intervals. Here the object rotates on its axis. Ex: A rotating fan
  • Oscillatory Motion - Motion is Oscillatory when an object oscillates around its mean position. Object repeats the cycle of motion around its mean position. The movement of an object is called Oscillations. Ex: Motion of a pendulum of wall clock

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See Also

गति (भौतिकी)
